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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

If received an SMS or email about databases, we believe you should know the following:

Dear Clients,

“Betach Toren” is an insurance agency (the “Agency“) and, as such, mediates between its clients and insurance companies for the purpose of purchasing various insurance policies.

All the information you provide us to receive insurance offers, whether as prior or current clients, is stored in an advanced and protected computerized system functioning according to the strictest professional standards in order to ensure that information is protected and remains confidential, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Protection Law.

The database stored in the computerized system serves the following purposes: Maintaining contact with our customers, providing them with such services as claims, handling existing insurance policies, managing sales, marketing, and customer recruitment, and collecting and processing payments.

That computerized system constitutes a database by law, which is legally registered under the following number: 700015532

The database was established and is managed under the provisions of the Privacy Protection Law. The information stored in it is secure and protected by strict privacy protection and information security procedures maintained at the agency.

You are not obligated to provide the information. However, from the moment you offer it of your own accord and with your consent, for purposes of entering into an insurance transaction, we are obligated to keep it in a registered database to protect your privacy.

Keeping the information, you provided us is essential so we can provide you with service for any policies purchased through our company.

Contact details of our Company’s Accessibility Coordinator:

Name: Attorney Sharon Almog Omeidi, Director of Claims Department and Compliance Officer

Phone: 077-8012327

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