Home / Business Claims
The business claims department appoints lawyers and claim settlement officers experienced in handling and settling claims for the insured.
In the event of property damage, processing the claim will begin immediately upon receipt of the insured’s report of the damage event. We will immediately report to the insurance company, who will appoint an appraiser experienced in similar damages or other experts as needed.
Upon discovery of the damage, you must immediately submit a report to that effect.
The staff of the claims department will accompany you and the appointed appraiser until the report is completed and the payment is transferred, subject to the terms of the policy, until the claim is disposed of to your complete satisfaction.
If a lawsuit was filed against you, please forward it to us as soon as possible and indicate the date of receipt so we can inform the insurance company, who will, in turn, and subject to the terms of the policy, appoint a lawyer to represent you in that lawsuit.
Additional services provided to our business clients:
For more information or to report an event, accident, or claim, you may contact directly:
Attorney Tali Pinchasov, at: talip@betach.co.il
Or Attorney Dana Avidan, at: danaav@betach.co.il
For the settlement of ‘Shufersal’ claims, please contact Meital Cohen, at: meitalc@betach.co.il
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