Home / Directors & Officers Insurance
In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in lawsuits against directors and officers, which may result in extremely high legal fees and the award of substantial compensation to the claimants. Since the Companies Law was changed, in 1991, “Betach Toren” has become a leading agency in this area. The purpose of the Directors and Officers Liability Policy is designed to protect companies’ directors and officers from lawsuits to which they are exposed daily as part of their duties, and which sometimes encompass many responsibilities.
Naturally, a spur-of-the-moment decision, a hasty judgment, an error, or negligence may lead to severe outcomes and/or lawsuits. In some cases, senior officials are also sued for decisions they made in the distant past.
Precisely for that reason a Directors Insurance Policy has been designed and marketed by “Betach Toren.”
Our satisfied customers include banks, financial institutions, private and public firms, hi-tech and traditional industry companies, associations, and other entities.
The Directors Insurance Policy we market contains three prominent advantages:
Better adaptation to clients’ particular needs and comprehensive coverage against risks that directors and officers are exposed to as part of their duties. The insurers include both foreign and domestic firms.
An adept and professional team of underwriters, including legally trained employees, is key in this field.
Attractive Terms and Competitive Rates.
This policy covers directors and officers of a company, its subsidiaries (as defined and delineated in the policy), and those appointed by the company to serve as directors in external organizations who do not fall under the definition of a subsidiary. The policy also includes coverage for legal fees incurred by officers/directors in lawsuits filed against them. The policy insures directors and officers both past and present as well as those that may be appointed in the future, without the need to give notice or list their names.
The policy covers any claim filed during the insurance period for any action performed from the day the company was established or from another retroactive date to be agreed upon between the insurer and the insured.
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